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Data Cleansing

Data is a resource like any other. It is dynamic and therefore needs to be constantly revised and reviewed to ensure that it fits the organization’s needs. With changing organizational landscape, the role of data changes as also the people handling it. Research indicates that as much as 25% to 30% of collected information becomes corrupted over the course of just one year. Decisions made based on such information will correspondingly be erroneous and lead top losses and inefficiency.

Most businesses have huge databases abut no strategy to curate resulting in corruption and decay. Corrupt, incorrect and duplicate records can lead to waste of marketing funds, turn away customers and missed opportunities.

The rate of decay of a database is higher for bigger databases, in terms of sheer number of records. If your data list gets populated by duplicate or redundant data, it leads redundant communications reaching the customers and brings the credibility of your brand and turns away customers.

There are many ways in which data can get corrupted. It could be caused by user entry errors, during transfer, during storage, or because of incoordination in different users/systems using different rules of interpreting the data.

To prevent or minimise data decay, it needs constant maintenance. Although data cleansing can be elaborate and involved process, some of the essential operations in data cleansing are:

  • Removing duplicates
  • Retaining unique data
  • Detect inaccurate data
  • Correct corrupt data

We ensure that your data is complete, correct and ready for use. Accurate and validated data results in more efficient marketing, better market penetration, brand value and greater turnaround rates.

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  • +1-201-526-7228